This site is dedicated to William Fischer, born in Hannover, Germany 5 April 1838. He suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis and clipped the various birth, death, and marriage announcements found in this blog. Since the clippings do not appear to be in order, he, or someone in his family, may have pasted them in to the ledger at a later time.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Page 7 Wide Ledger
TALLON-In San Jose, September 9, 1905, Patrick Tallon, beloved husband of Mrs. Matilda Tallon and father of Mamie, Jennie and John Tallon, a native of Ireland, aged 65 years. Funeral will take place from St. Joseph's Church at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Monday) September 11, 1905. Funeral private.
BENT--In San Jose, March 22, 1906, Mrs. Mary Bent, wife of George R. Bent Sr., mother of Mrs. E. V. Hunt, Mrs. F. L. Argyle, Mrs. Dr. J. E. Trueman, Miss Annie Bent and George R. Bent Jr., of San Jose, and Mrs. George Anderson and Mrs. E Newell, of San Francisco, and sister of Mrs. H. Laurilliard and Mrs. Annie Gosbey, a native of Nova Scotia, aged 64 years, 10 months and 22 days.
MABURY--In San Jose, March 29, 1906, Mary A. Mabury, mother of Mrs. Laura H. Carlton, Mary W. Mabury, Frank H. Mabury, Park C. Mabury and Mrs. John Ginty, grandmother of Nevada C. Cahill, a native of Ohio, aged 85 years. Funeral private, from the late residence, 306 North First street, today (Saturday), March 31, 1906, at 10:30 a. m. Interment Oak Hill.
RAYNES--In Escalle, Marin county, [ clipping folded over one word] March 3 [hand-written: 1906] Marie Louise, beloved wife of Dr. Francis E. Raynes, daughter of George and the late Marie Koppitz and sister of Mrs. W. F. Chipman, Mrs. C. M. Cunningham and Miss Elenor, Otto F. and George H. Koppitz, a native of San Francisco. **Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services to-day (Monday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the residence of Dr. C. M. Cunningham, 2964 Steiner street. Interment, Odd Fellows Cemetery.
MARRIED. WILLEY-WATKINS--In San Jose, November 13, 1889, at the residence of Dr. Thomas Kelley, Miss Emma Watkins to Henry L. Willey, both of San Jose.
Minor Mention [hand-written: 2-7-90] (1890) Wm Denker, a native of Germany, was admitted to citizenship in the Superior Court. today.
MARRIED. HOWES-MURPHY--In San Francisco, November 22, 1889, by the Rev. Mr. Buckbee, Miss J. Ada Murphy to Samuel P. Howes, both of San Jose.
DIED. MULLEN--In San Jose, February 15, 1890, George Augustus Mullen, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullen, and grandchild of Mrs. M. A. Mullen of the Mansion House, 37 North First street.
[same clipping]:
MALONEY--In San Jose, February 16, 1890, Mrs. Annie Maloney, aged 29 years. Funeral to-morrow at 10 A. M., from St. Josephs Church.
BIRTH. MULLEN--In San Jose, May 6, 1895, to Mr and Mrs. A. J. Mullen, a son.
BIRTHS. DAMPIER--In San Jose, July 19, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Dampier, a son. [same clipping]: MACHEFERT--In Santa Clara, July 20, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Machefert, a daughter.
JACOBS--In San Jose, September 28, 1897, Mrs. Caroline Jacobs, aged 78 years, mother of Mrs. Emily Brown. Notice of interment hereafter.
Getting Ready. [hand-written: 2-25-90] Mr. I. Loeb of the popular dry goods house, the "City of San Jose," having bought out his partner, P. Etchebarne, finds himself badly in need of cash. He has an immense stock and is anxious to turn it into coin. He is at present very busy marking down all the goods in the different departments and will commence a gigantic cash clearance sale next Monday, March 3d, to contine for two weeks. A detailed advertisement will appear shortly.
Insolvency Proceedings. [hand-written: 4-6-1898] The insolvency of Adolph Pfister and Louise Pfister was up in the Superior Court yesterday upon a petition for the appointment of an assignee. Jacob Eberhardt was appointed assignee. Real estate in this city is involved in the insolvency.
DEATHS. DUGAN--In San Jose, January 22, 1899, Mrs. A. d'Ablaing von Giessenburg Dugan, at her home on the Almaden road, near San Jose, aged 65 years, beloved mother of William Fritz d'Ablaing von Giessenburg, George H. d'Ablaing von Giessenburg, Gerrit d'Ablaing von Giessenburg, Mrs. A. J. M. Leonhard, Mrs. W. R. Lange and Mrs. H. E. Bryant. Friends and acquaintances desiring to view the remains can do so TO-MORROW (Tuesday), January 24th, from 10 A.M. until 4 P. the family residence on the Almaden road Funeral private, on Wednesday, January 25, 1899, at 1 P. M.
HOGAN--In San Jose, September 13, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hogan, a daughter.
CLEAL--In Capitola, March 23, 1906, Edgar G. Cleal, son of C. A. and Anna Cleal, a native of San Jose, Cal., aged 28 years and 7 months.
A Short One. --
Cahier, sport.
Cash here? Short!
No cash--
Big smash--
Federal court!
The number of letters contained in the alphabets of the different languages is given here:
Russian, 35; English 26; French, 25; Italian, 20; Spanish, 27; German 26; Latin, 25; Greek, 24; Arabic, 28; Persian, 32; Hebrew, 22; Sanscrit, 44.
CHAPMAN--In San Jose, May 20, 1898, Edgar M. Chapman, a native of Balston, New York, aged 75 years, 5 months and 27 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock P. M., from his late residence, corner Polhemus and Myrtle street. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery.
Death of Edgar M. Chapman, the Well-Known Capitalist.
Edgar M. Chapman, a pioneer resident of this county, died at his residence on the University tract shortly after noon yesterday. He was 75 years of age and came to California in 1857 and shortly afterward took up his residence in San Jose. For a while he was in the express business, but left it to engage in real estate and mining ventures, in both of which he was very successful. He was at one time the owner of the Chapman mine near the cemetery. His wife died about six months ago. Last year he was seriously injured by a run-away accident, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. He leaves a very valuable estate. His only son, who survives him, is Charles E. Chapman, the well-known stock and dairyman. The funeral will take place at 2 P. M. to-day. Deceased was a lover of fine horses and for years his face was a familiar one in San Jose. He was a man of sterling integrity and his death will be regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
WEED--In Pescadero, May 1, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weed, a daughter.
WOLTERS-SCHNITTSPAN--In San Jose, April 24, 1898, by Rev. N. A. Haskell, Josephine C. Schnittspan to Everhard V. C. Wolters.
JURY-GREEN--In San Jose, May 2, 1898, by Rev. N. A. Haskell, Maud Agnes Green to John G. Jury.
BURY--In San Francisco, May 7, 1898, Lizzie, daughter of John T. Bury, and sister of George, Benjamin and J. M. Bury, aged 18 years.
COSTA--In San Jose, May 6, 1898, Mrs. Mary Costa, beloved mother of John and Peter Costa, a native of Italy, aged 98 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Sunday), at 2 P. M., from her late residence, 1147 Palm street; thence to St. Josephs Church. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery.
TAYLOR--In San Jose, May 6, 1898, John Taylor, a native of Australia, aged 45 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Sunday), at 10 o'clock A. M., from his late residence, No. 976 Palm street. Interment at Santa Clara.
WILLIAMS--In San Jose, May 7, 1898, David Williams, a native of New York, aged 77 years, 10 months and 13 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Sunday), at 2:30 P. M. from the family residennce on Fourth and St. James streets. Please omit flowers.
STEHM--In Oakland, March 11, 1898, Mrs. Christine Stehm, beloved wife of Frederick Stehm of Oakland and sister of Mrs. I. J. Kochle of Santa Clara, and granddaughter of Mrs. M. Oswald and niece of Mrs. I Ruth, Mrs. William Fluery and William Oswald of Santa Clara, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 37 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will take place TO-DAY (Sunday) at 2 o'clock P. M. from the residence of William Fluery at Santa Clara; thence to St. Claires Church, where services will be held. Interment Catholic Cemetery at Santa Clara.
BRUNST--At San Jose Sanitarium, March 7, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brunst, a son.
WALLIS--In Los Gatos, Cal., Jan 11, 1905, Sarale Wallis, beloved mother of Calvin H. Wallis, of Sacramento; William A. Wallis, of Raymond, Cal., Mrs. Joseph Ingals, San Jose, and Mrs. Eva Bounds, of San Francisco, a native of Indiana, aged 79 years and 5 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Friday), January 13, at 2 p. m., from the [Chr]? istian Church, Los Gatos. Interment [ missing ] wood City. Redwood City papers please [missing, but usual text is 'copy'].
SIKES--In this city, January 29, Louisa, beloved wife of the late Charles L. W. Sikes, mother of Mrs. W. J. Enright of Fresno and Mrs. D. H. Krause and the late W. R. Sikes and beloved sister of J. J. Ortley, Mrs. Susan Tilden and Charles H. Harker of Alviso, a native of New York, aged 63 years. (San Jose papers please copy.) **Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence of her daughter, mrs. D. H. Krause, 849 Filbert street. Interment, I. O. O. F. Cemetery.
RICHMOND-LYEMAN--In San Jose, Nov. 3, 1901, at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. T. S. Young, Charles F. Richmond and Miss Nettie Lyeman.
PHILLIPS - INISENBERRY -- In San Jose, Nov. 4, 1901, at the home of Mrs. Balkest, 540 North First ST., Robert Philips of Sacramento and Miss Sarah Maud Inisenberry of Virginia, Rev. T. S. Young, officiating.
HOEHNER--In San Jose, Cal., November 17, 1904, J. William, beloved husband of Minnie F. Hoehner, father of Faville and William Verne Hoehner, son of the late J. W. and Mrs. Rosina Hoehner, brother of A. F. Hoehner, Mrs. D. P. Greenfield and Mrs. J. A. Callis, a native of San Francisco, aged 49 years, 5 months and 8 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sunday), November 20, at 2 o'clock p. m. from [missing words, probably 'the fa')mily residence, No. [missing numbers] South S[missing word] street. Interment [missing words, top of one word looks like it could be Clara (possibly for Santa Clara)].
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