Sunday, June 30, 2013

Copy of a transcription previously entered to NORCAL at /Wide Ledger Page 10

The following are clippings pasted by William Fischer (born 5 April 1838, 
Hannover, Germany) and his family, into a ledger. 
KNAPP-HEIDT—At the Methodist Church in San Jose, December 13, 1891, by 
Rev. Dr. Jewell, Ida Heidt to Charles Knapp, both of San Jose. 
WEBSTER-HAND—In East San Jose at the residence of B. F. McLellan, by the 
Rev. J Gruwell, on December 13, 1891, Mrs. Amanda Leonora Hand to David H. 
Webster, both of San Jose. 
LENZEN—In San Jose, August 5, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Lenzen, a son. 
SINGLETON—Near San Jose, May 14, 1905, Emory Marshall and Kenneth 
Goodridge Singleton, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Singleton, aged 3 1-2 months. 
Funeral private. Monday, May 15, at 2 p.m. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery. 
VEUVE—In San Jose, June 1, 1898, Eugene L. Veuve, a native of Switzerland, 
aged 80 years, two months and two days. 
He Was the First Watchmaker to Open Business in San Jose After the 
American Occupation. 
Eugene L. Veuve, the pioneer watchmaker of San Jose and one of its most 
respected citizens, died yesterday morning after a short illness. He was born 
in Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, March 30, 1818, and came to the United 
States in 1845, landing in Mobile. After a short stay there he went to New 
Orleans. In 1849 he came to California across the plains by the southern route 
and took up his residence in Los Angeles. The trip was a memorable one in 
that it was encompassed with many dangers. The party was several times 
attacked by the Indians, and in crossing the Colorado river, which was swollen 
at the time, Mr. Veuve nearly lost his life by drowning. 
After remaining in Los Angeles for six months he joined the rush for the 
north and located in San Jose, arriving here in the spring of 1850, where he 
continuously resided until his death. He was the pioneer watchmaker of 
this city, first opening business on Market street opposite the Juzgado. When 
the Auzerais House was built in 1865 he removed his establishment to that 
building, where he conducted it for many years, being succeeded by L. 
Deceased leaves a widow and two sons, W. P. Veuve, the well-known lawyer, 
and Alcede L. Veuve, Deputy Tax-Collector, and two stepchildren, Mrs. 
Herman Hoffmann of this city and H. H. Veuve of San Francisco. 
The funeral will take place to-morrow at 9 A. M. from St. Josephs Church. 
Interment at Santa Clara. 
WARD—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ward, a 
WASHBURN--LUSK—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, Miss Nettie Lusk of San 
Jose to George J. Washburn of Davenport, Iowa. 
FROMENT—In San Mateo county, February 11, 1890, Eugene Froment, a native 
of France, aged 75 years and 3 months. 
HATFIELD—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, John J. Hatfield, a native of 
Illinois, aged 42 years and 6 months. 
MOWRY—In this city, August 29, 1991, Nelson H. Mowry, only and beloved son 
of Mrs. Wm. A Seuteo, a native of California, aged 16 years, 3 months and 
17 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the 
funeral to-day, (Sunday) at 2:30 p. m. from the Episcopal church. 
SCHNEICKERT – In Santa Clara, October 30, 1903, Henry Schneikert, [note: 
spelling is different than in heading] beloved father of Mrs. D. Manning, 
Adolph, Bertha, Louis and Minnie Schneickert, a native of Germany, aged 54 
LORIGAN – BOHLMANN – At San Jose, California by Rev. R. A. Gleeson, S. 
J., November 3, 1903, Charles M. Lorigan to Eugenia E. Bohlmann, both of San 
Jose. No cards. 
HARRIS—In San Jose, October 17, 1901, Miriam E. Harris, daughter of the 
late Henry Harris and Mary Harris and sister of Albert Harris, a native of 
San Francisco, aged 51 years, 9 months, and 26 days. Friends and 
acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late resience, 
No. 415 West San Fernando street, tomorrow (Thursday), October 24th, at 2 p. 
m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 
KLEIN—In San Jose, March 6, 1902, Elodia Mary Klein, beloved daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. F. Klein and sister of Fred, Emile, Julius and Ottelia Klein 
and Mrs. C. E. Hubback, a native of California, aged 29 years and 10 months. 
Funeral private, to-morrow (Sunday), Mar. 9, 1902, at 1:30 o’clock p. m. 
from No. 75 North Third street. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 
Phillips—In New York city, January 25, 1898, Philip Phillips, father of 
Mitchell Phillips and Mrs. J Loryea, aged 85 years. 
VARNEY—BRETT—In San Jose, January 28, 1890, Miss Mabel Brett of Oakland 
to Kilwood Varney of this city. 
CLIGNY—Perez—In San Jose, January 28, 1890, Miss Carmalito Perry to 
Edward Cligny, both of Gilroy. 
LENZEN—BERLINGEN—In San Francisco, February 2, 1890. Kate A. Berlingen of 
Byron, Cal., to Theo. W. Lenzen of San Jose. 
O’BRIEN—In San Jose, February 1, 1890, Miss Mary O’Brien, a native of 
Ireland, aged about 80 years. 
SMITH—In San Jose, February 1, 1890, John J. Smith, aged 71 years. 
M’KENNEY—In Austin, Nevada, January 31, 1890, D. C. McKenney, aged 61 
years. [Note, spelling different in heading and body of notice]. 
RANDALL—At Campbell’s Station. Santa Clara county, February 1, 1890, Mrs. 
Mary P. J. Randall, mother of Rev. E. James, aged 73 years. 
HARRIS—In San Jose, February 2, 1890, Judge Garland Harris, a native of 
Kentucky, aged 82 years, 9 months and 18 days. Friends and acquaintances are 
respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the family residence No. 33 
St. Marys street, at 11 o’clock a. m. to-morrow (Tuesday) February 4th. 
WOODWARD—In this city, February 3, 1890, Mrs. Mary E. Woodward, aged 32 
years and 7 months, a native of Connecticut. 
MINAHAN—In San Jose, November 9, 1889, John Minahan, a native of Ireland, 
aged 65 years. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral 
from the family residence, 39 West Julian street, on Monday, November 11, 
1889, at 9:30 oclock; thence to St. Jospeh’s church, where high mass will be 
celebrated. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. 

Death of a Pioneer of this City—The Funeral on Monday. 
After an illness of only a week, from pleuropneumonia, Captian John 
Minahan, a pioneer of this city, died yesterday morning at 8 oclock, at his 
residence, No. 39 West Julian street. The deceased was well known. In early days 
he kept a grocery business on First street, in the old Stark theater, but 
subsequently he engaged in other branches of business, but for the last 
seven or eight years occupied himself entirely in looking after his 
Captain Minahan was a nataive of Limerick, Ireland, and was 59 years of 
age. He came to America in 1847 and has resided in San Jose, California, 
almost continuously, since 1852. He leaves a wife, two daughters and a son—
Thomas, Minnie and Nora. 
The funeral will take place Monday, from the family residence, thence to 
St. Joseph’s church, where high mass will be celebrated. 
YOUNT—SHERMANTINE—In Los Gatos, November 10, 1889, at the residence of 
the bride’s father, Miss Emma Shermantine of Los Gatos, to G. H. Youdt [note 
difference in spelling] of Belmont, by Rev. G. W. Beatty. (Salinas papers 
please copy.) 
WHITE—FISHER—In Sacramento, November 6, 1889, J. W. White of Auburn, to 
Miss Mattie Fisher of Gilroy. 
MAYNE—HENNING—In San Jose, at First M. E. Church, Wednesday November 12, 
1889, by Rev. F. F. Jewell D. D., W. C. Mayne of San Francisco, and Laura 
L. Henning, of San Jose. 
DUFIE—In San Jose, January 27, Jules Adolph Dufie, a native of France, 
aged 62 years. [Hand written year on clipping: 1890] 
MURPHY—In San Francisco, November 1, 1901, Patrick W. Murphy, a native of 
Quebec, Canaa, aged 63 years. Deceased was a son of the late Martin Murphy 
of San Jose, a brother of Mrs. J. R. Arques and Mrs. R. T. Carroll, 
brother of B. D. Murphy of San Jose and of the late James T. Murphy. The funeral 
will take place tomorrow (Sunday), November 3, 1901, at 2 o’clock from the 
old Murphy residence, corner of Auzerais avenue and Market street. The 
[missing letters] nt will be at Santa Clara [end or missing tiny part of 
BEHRENS—In this city, Januray 17, Captain William C., beloved husband of 
Rosa Behrens and father of Fred Engel, William H. Ringe and the late Mrs. 
Rose Preston, a native of Rostock, Germany, aged 70 years 4 months and 23 
days. ** The funeral will take place to-day (Thursday), at 10 o’clock a. m. 
from the new funeral chapel of Theodor Dierks, 432 Golden Gate avenue, 
between Larkin and Polk streets. Please omit flowers. Cremation, Odd Fellows’ 
Cemetery. [Hand-written year on clipping: 1905 or 1906] 
BAUER—In San Jose, October 26, 1901, Katie Bauer, beloved wife of Louis 
Bauer and mother of Louis F. and Charles H., aged 46 years, 2 months and 11 
days. Deceased was a sister of Charles, Edward, Theodore, Frank and Lawrence 
Welti. Mrs. William Hillenbrand, Mrs. Phillip Francke and Miss Amelia 
Welti. San Francisco papers please copy. Funeral notice later. 
Walter A. Page and Elizabeth Newman were married this morning at St. 
Josephs Catholic Church [hand written date: 4-11-1894] 
BOSCHKEN—In San Jose, July 31, 1899, Jacob Boschken, aged 69 years, 3 m
onths and 5 days.The following are clippings pasted by William Fischer (born 5 April 1838, 
Hannover, Germany) and his family, into a ledger. 
KNAPP-HEIDT—At the Methodist Church in San Jose, December 13, 1891, by 
Rev. Dr. Jewell, Ida Heidt to Charles Knapp, both of San Jose. 
WEBSTER-HAND—In East San Jose at the residence of B. F. McLellan, by the 
Rev. J Gruwell, on December 13, 1891, Mrs. Amanda Leonora Hand to David H. 
Webster, both of San Jose. 
LENZEN—In San Jose, August 5, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Lenzen, a son. 
SINGLETON—Near San Jose, May 14, 1905, Emory Marshall and Kenneth 
Goodridge Singleton, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Singleton, aged 3 1-2 months. 
Funeral private. Monday, May 15, at 2 p.m. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery. 
VEUVE—In San Jose, June 1, 1898, Eugene L. Veuve, a native of Switzerland, 
aged 80 years, two months and two days. 
He Was the First Watchmaker to Open Business in San Jose After the 
American Occupation. 
Eugene L. Veuve, the pioneer watchmaker of San Jose and one of its most 
respected citizens, died yesterday morning after a short illness. He was born 
in Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, March 30, 1818, and came to the United 
States in 1845, landing in Mobile. After a short stay there he went to New 
Orleans. In 1849 he came to California across the plains by the southern route 
and took up his residence in Los Angeles. The trip was a memorable one in 
that it was encompassed with many dangers. The party was several times 
attacked by the Indians, and in crossing the Colorado river, which was swollen 
at the time, Mr. Veuve nearly lost his life by drowning. 
After remaining in Los Angeles for six months he joined the rush for the 
north and located in San Jose, arriving here in the spring of 1850, where he 
continuously resided until his death. He was the pioneer watchmaker of 
this city, first opening business on Market street opposite the Juzgado. When 
the Auzerais House was built in 1865 he removed his establishment to that 
building, where he conducted it for many years, being succeeded by L. 
Deceased leaves a widow and two sons, W. P. Veuve, the well-known lawyer, 
and Alcede L. Veuve, Deputy Tax-Collector, and two stepchildren, Mrs. 
Herman Hoffmann of this city and H. H. Veuve of San Francisco. 
The funeral will take place to-morrow at 9 A. M. from St. Josephs Church. 
Interment at Santa Clara. 
WARD—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ward, a 
WASHBURN--LUSK—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, Miss Nettie Lusk of San 
Jose to George J. Washburn of Davenport, Iowa. 
FROMENT—In San Mateo county, February 11, 1890, Eugene Froment, a native 
of France, aged 75 years and 3 months. 
HATFIELD—In San Jose, February 12, 1890, John J. Hatfield, a native of 
Illinois, aged 42 years and 6 months. 
MOWRY—In this city, August 29, 1991, Nelson H. Mowry, only and beloved son 
of Mrs. Wm. A Seuteo, a native of California, aged 16 years, 3 months and 
17 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the 
funeral to-day, (Sunday) at 2:30 p. m. from the Episcopal church. 
SCHNEICKERT – In Santa Clara, October 30, 1903, Henry Schneikert, [note: 
spelling is different than in heading] beloved father of Mrs. D. Manning, 
Adolph, Bertha, Louis and Minnie Schneickert, a native of Germany, aged 54 
LORIGAN – BOHLMANN – At San Jose, California by Rev. R. A. Gleeson, S. 
J., November 3, 1903, Charles M. Lorigan to Eugenia E. Bohlmann, both of San 
Jose. No cards. 
HARRIS—In San Jose, October 17, 1901, Miriam E. Harris, daughter of the 
late Henry Harris and Mary Harris and sister of Albert Harris, a native of 
San Francisco, aged 51 years, 9 months, and 26 days. Friends and 
acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late resience, 
No. 415 West San Fernando street, tomorrow (Thursday), October 24th, at 2 p. 
m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 
KLEIN—In San Jose, March 6, 1902, Elodia Mary Klein, beloved daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. F. Klein and sister of Fred, Emile, Julius and Ottelia Klein 
and Mrs. C. E. Hubback, a native of California, aged 29 years and 10 months. 
Funeral private, to-morrow (Sunday), Mar. 9, 1902, at 1:30 o’clock p. m. 
from No. 75 North Third street. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 
Phillips—In New York city, January 25, 1898, Philip Phillips, father of 
Mitchell Phillips and Mrs. J Loryea, aged 85 years. 
VARNEY—BRETT—In San Jose, January 28, 1890, Miss Mabel Brett of Oakland 
to Kilwood Varney of this city. 
CLIGNY—Perez—In San Jose, January 28, 1890, Miss Carmalito Perry to 
Edward Cligny, both of Gilroy. 
LENZEN—BERLINGEN—In San Francisco, February 2, 1890. Kate A. Berlingen of 
Byron, Cal., to Theo. W. Lenzen of San Jose. 
O’BRIEN—In San Jose, February 1, 1890, Miss Mary O’Brien, a native of 
Ireland, aged about 80 years. 
SMITH—In San Jose, February 1, 1890, John J. Smith, aged 71 years. 
M’KENNEY—In Austin, Nevada, January 31, 1890, D. C. McKenney, aged 61 
years. [Note, spelling different in heading and body of notice]. 
RANDALL—At Campbell’s Station. Santa Clara county, February 1, 1890, Mrs. 
Mary P. J. Randall, mother of Rev. E. James, aged 73 years. 
HARRIS—In San Jose, February 2, 1890, Judge Garland Harris, a native of 
Kentucky, aged 82 years, 9 months and 18 days. Friends and acquaintances are 
respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the family residence No. 33 
St. Marys street, at 11 o’clock a. m. to-morrow (Tuesday) February 4th. 
WOODWARD—In this city, February 3, 1890, Mrs. Mary E. Woodward, aged 32 
years and 7 months, a native of Connecticut. 
MINAHAN—In San Jose, November 9, 1889, John Minahan, a native of Ireland, 
aged 65 years. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral 
from the family residence, 39 West Julian street, on Monday, November 11, 
1889, at 9:30 oclock; thence to St. Jospeh’s church, where high mass will be 
celebrated. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. 

Death of a Pioneer of this City—The Funeral on Monday. 
After an illness of only a week, from pleuropneumonia, Captian John 
Minahan, a pioneer of this city, died yesterday morning at 8 oclock, at his 
residence, No. 39 West Julian street. The deceased was well known. In early days 
he kept a grocery business on First street, in the old Stark theater, but 
subsequently he engaged in other branches of business, but for the last 
seven or eight years occupied himself entirely in looking after his 
Captain Minahan was a nataive of Limerick, Ireland, and was 59 years of 
age. He came to America in 1847 and has resided in San Jose, California, 
almost continuously, since 1852. He leaves a wife, two daughters and a son—
Thomas, Minnie and Nora. 
The funeral will take place Monday, from the family residence, thence to 
St. Joseph’s church, where high mass will be celebrated. 
YOUNT—SHERMANTINE—In Los Gatos, November 10, 1889, at the residence of 
the bride’s father, Miss Emma Shermantine of Los Gatos, to G. H. Youdt [note 
difference in spelling] of Belmont, by Rev. G. W. Beatty. (Salinas papers 
please copy.) 
WHITE—FISHER—In Sacramento, November 6, 1889, J. W. White of Auburn, to 
Miss Mattie Fisher of Gilroy. 
MAYNE—HENNING—In San Jose, at First M. E. Church, Wednesday November 12, 
1889, by Rev. F. F. Jewell D. D., W. C. Mayne of San Francisco, and Laura 
L. Henning, of San Jose. 
DUFIE—In San Jose, January 27, Jules Adolph Dufie, a native of France, 
aged 62 years. [Hand written year on clipping: 1890] 
MURPHY—In San Francisco, November 1, 1901, Patrick W. Murphy, a native of 
Quebec, Canada, aged 63 years. Deceased was a son of the late Martin Murphy 
of San Jose, a brother of Mrs. J. R. Arques and Mrs. R. T. Carroll, 
brother of B. D. Murphy of San Jose and of the late James T. Murphy. The funeral 
will take place tomorrow (Sunday), November 3, 1901, at 2 o’clock from the 
old Murphy residence, corner of Auzerais avenue and Market street. The 
[missing letters] nt will be at Santa Clara [end or missing tiny part of 
BEHRENS—In this city, Januray 17, Captain William C., beloved husband of 
Rosa Behrens and father of Fred Engel, William H. Ringe and the late Mrs. 
Rose Preston, a native of Rostock, Germany, aged 70 years 4 months and 23 
days. ** The funeral will take place to-day (Thursday), at 10 o’clock a. m. 
from the new funeral chapel of Theodor Dierks, 432 Golden Gate avenue, 
between Larkin and Polk streets. Please omit flowers. Cremation, Odd Fellows’ 
Cemetery. [Hand-written year on clipping: 1905 or 1906] 
BAUER—In San Jose, October 26, 1901, Katie Bauer, beloved wife of Louis 
Bauer and mother of Louis F. and Charles H., aged 46 years, 2 months and 11 
days. Deceased was a sister of Charles, Edward, Theodore, Frank and Lawrence 
Welti. Mrs. William Hillenbrand, Mrs. Phillip Francke and Miss Amelia 
Welti. San Francisco papers please copy. Funeral notice later. 
Walter A. Page and Elizabeth Newman were married this morning at St. 
Josephs Catholic Church [hand written date: 4-11-1894] 
BOSCHKEN—In San Jose, July 31, 1899, Jacob Boschken, aged 69 years, 3 m
onths and 5 days.

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