HINKELBEIN -- In San Jose, April 4, 1898, Louis G. Hinkelbein, a native of San
Jose, aged 28 years, 1 month and 18 days. The funeral will take place TO-DAY
(Wednesday) at 9:30 A. M. from the residence, 203 San Augustin street, thence
to St. Josephs Church
Was a prominent Member of the Native Sons and a Popular Young Man
Louis C. Hinkelbein, Manager of the clothing department of Hale's store, died
yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock at the residence of his sister,
Mrs. Corliss, 203 San Augustin street. Mr. Hinkelbein had been in rather delicate
health for about a year and two weeks ago took a short vacation, returning to
the store in much better health. Shortly after his return he took a severe
cold, which developed into pneumonia, finally resulting in his death. He was
28 years of age and a native of California, having lived in San Jose since
boyhood. For a number of years he was employed in the clothing department of
T.W. Hobson Co., afterward being manager for O.A. Hale & Co. Mr. Hinkelbein
was a prominent member of the Native Sons. The deceased leaves his father,
George A. Hinkelbein, three brothers, Adam, Frank and William, and four
sisters, Mrs. Frank Stock, Mrs. J.G. Kennedy, Mrs. W. C. Krieg and Mrs.
William Corliss. The funeral will take place Wednesday.
Large Number of Exquisite Floral Tributes From Sorrowing Friends and
Acquaintances of the Lamented Departed.
One of the most impressive funerals in the history of San Jose was that of
the late Louis G. Hinkelbein yesterday. The great popularity of the esteemed
young man among all classes was attested by the great attendance of friends
and acquaintances at the last sad rites. The spacious auditorium of St.
Josephs Church was filled. Rev. Father Nestor said mass. There were an
unusually large number of exquisite floral pieces of remarkable size and
beauty. Among the many fine offerings were: O.A. Hale and family, large
floral heart; H.H. Martin, an anchor; J. and P. Stock, a broken wheel; Mrs.
F. Tennant, a star; A. Berovich, cross; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hart, a wreath
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