DI FIORE-Near San Jose, November 17, 1901, DOMENECO DI FIORE, father of ANGELO, SANTORO, FRANCESCO, SALVATORE, MARCANTONIO, GIROLANO, GUISEPPE, ELISABETTA and ROSALIA DI FIORE, a native of Italy, aged 82 years, 1 month and 5 days. (Thankfully this clipping was transcribed before the edge chipped away).
SMITH-In San Jose, November 17, 1901, Mrs. CHARLOTTE N. SMITH, a native of Massachusetts, aged 74 years and 1 month.
STOVER-In San Jose, April 1, 1894, HENRY STOVER, a native of Germany, aged 63 years.
FLANDERS-Near Evergreen, March 31, 1894, SIMON FLANDERS, a native of Massachusetts, aged 77 years.
BRIDAN-At Meridian Corners, June 28, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. SAMUEL BRIDAN, a son.
BALLOU-In San Jose, June 28, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE H. BALLOU, a son.
FIELD-In San Jose, March 24, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. FIELD, a daughter
KRUMB-In San Jose, March 27, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. FRED L. KRUMB, a daughter.
Married Against Her Father's Will
(hand-written date: 8-27-1889)
CATALINA ISIDORA PICO, daughter of Major Pico, formerly of San Jose, was married in East Oakland a few days ago to JOHN H. CHURCH. The bride is 16 years of age. Her husband is said to be 50 years old and had been married four times before he met Miss PICO. All of his former wives are supposed to be living. Major PICO is very much displeased.
(hand-written date: 2-10-1898)
San Jose Council, No. 71, Order of Pendo, has installed the following officers: Past Councilor, Dr. J. F. BURNS; Councilor, M. BLUMENTHAL; Vice Councilor, JAMES A. COSTA; Secretary, W. FISCHER; Treasurer, S. C. O'BRIEN; Chaplain, SAM MARTIN; Guide, F. J. JICHA; Warden, S. R. BEE; Sentinel, C. J. BELLOLI. Five new applications for membership were received.
THEILE-At Santa Clara, August 29, 1889, at the residence of J. EBERHARD, Mrs.
CATHERINE THEILE (aunt of Mrs. J. EBERHARD), aged 69 years and 3 months.
KLENGEL-SMITH-at Antioch, February 5, 1890, Miss JENNIE M. SMITH of Antioch to OTTO E. KLENGEL of Oakland.
RUCKER-BLISS-In San Francisco, February 5, 1890, at the residence of the bride's father, GEORGE D. BLISS, by the Rev. WILLIAM D. MCKINNON, JAMES T. RUCKER of San Jose to ANNIE BLISS of San Francisco.
HUNTER-In San Jose, February 7, 1890, John C. Hunter, a native of Scotland, aged 40 years.
HART-In this city February 8, 1890, JAMES HART, a native of England, aged 73 years.
KING-In San Jose, November 8, 1889, to L. A. KING and wife, a son.
RYAN-On Donner avenue, near Almaden road, November 8, 1889. Mrs. ANN RYAN, A NATIVE OF Galway, Ireland, mother of JOHN RYAN and Mrs. H. HART, aged 88 years.
MINAHAN-In this city November 9, 1889, JOHN MINNVHAN, a native of Ireland, aged 59 years.
YOUNG-At Madrone, November 7, 1889, Mrs. R. J. YOUNG, wife of RUFUS J. YOUNG, sister of G. J. NAGLE and daughter of PATRICK NAGLE of Yaquina Bay, OR., aged 34 years, 7 months and 26 days.
CONANT-Near San Jose, November 8, 1889, Mrs. MARTHA D. CONANT, relict of the late TIMOTHY CONANT, aged 61 years. Funeral from the family residence in the Willows at 10 A.M. to-morrow.
J. C. KISSINGER, a successful farmer and banker of Butler county, Penn., is the father of thirty-four children-nineteen by his first wife and fifteen by a second.
DOBLIN-In San Jose, December 22, 1904, JACOB, beloved husband of BERTHA DOBLIN and father of MAY DOBLIN, a native of Germany. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sunday) at 2 o'clock p. m. from the family residence, 297 North Second street. Interment Home of Peace cemetery.
SCHARFF-In San Jose, January 31, 1902, C. LOUISA SCHARFF, dearly beloved wife of L. SCHARFF and mother of FRIDA and ELISA SCHARFF, aged 37 years, 8 months. Funeral from late residence, 450 West San Salvador street, 2 p. m. Sunday, February 2, 1902
FANSELOW-In San Jose, Feb 4, 1902, FREDERICK, beloved husband of WILHEMINA, FANSELOW, son of CARL FANSELOW and father of HERMAN, WILLIAM, MARY, GUSTAVE, ANNIE, LIZZIE AND FREDDIE FANSELOW and Mrs. EMMA MAGISTRATTI, a native of Germany, aged 51 years, 9 months.
NEWMAN-In Boulder Creek, August 19, 1901, JOSEPH NEWMAN, a native of Germany, aged 84 years. Funeral will take place on Wednesday, August 21, 1901, from the family residence at Boulder Creek, Interment at Santa Cruz.
A New England Home of Puritan Days
A.D. 1620 and A.D. 1889
(hand-written date: 2-17-1889)
A Scrap of Ancient History in a Nineteenth Century Store Window
ANGEVINE'S Enterprise
Ancient and Modern ideas and customs occasionally fall into juxtaposition and afford strange contrasts. The last book of Mark Twain locates a live Yankee of the 19th century back in the time of King Arthur, and in the contrats (sic) is the wit of it. At 34 South First street, in this city, a show-window presented just such a contrast as we speak of to hundreds who passed and smiled and enjoyed it last evening. It represented the interior of the family room of a New England home of two hundred years ago. There in the center is the old-fashioned large fireplace. On the mantel were the old candlesticks and other articles which would not harmonize with the elegant artistic mantel of a modern house, but which give the home-like air to this room. Above the mantel is a magnificent painting, 4X6 feet, painted by H.R. ANGEVINE, representing the landing of the Pilgrims in dead of winter, 1620. In the corner of the fire-place sat the shovel and tongs, which identical things came over in the Mayflower. On the right sat a spinning-wheel, one of the old, small kind, the like of which few who looked at this ever saw before. It is represented to be, and we doubt not is, 200 years old. Near by sat granny in a little, low old chair that looks like it might have come to granny from her grandmother. It has a history and is an heir-loom. The contrast is effected by draping the mantel-piece with some of the latest importations of gents' suitings and throwing over the whole the magnificent electric light. This is really a picture worth looking on, and it shows the artistic taste of the AUGEVINES to good advantage. The same taste and skill they carry into their business, and the result is that they are controlling the fine tailoring of this city and the whole country round about.
BRAVENER-In San Jose, August 21, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. BRAVENER, a daughter.
EDWARDS-Near San Jose, September 27, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. W.A.Z. EDWARDS, a daughter.
BRITT-In San Jose, February 28 1899, ANNE BRITT, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years.
NEURMAN-PAGE-At St. Joseph's church, in San Jose, April 11, 1894, by Rev. Father WALSHE, Miss BESSIE NEUMAN and WALTER PAGE.