Dr. Fisher (FISCHER) of San Jose Takes for His Bride a Member of the Old
Spanish Family hand written date 1899
Miss Margaret Florence ARGUELLO and Dr. L. W. FISCHER were married on Thursday, June 15th at Santa Clara, at the old ARGUELLO homestead, by the Rev. Father RAGGIO of Santa Clara College. Owing to the recent death of the bride's father the wedding was very quiet, only the relatives of the family being present. Miss ARGUELLO is a member of one of the most prominent Spanish families in California. Her great-grandfather was the eighth Governor of California under the Spanish rule in 1810 and her grandfather the first Governor of California under the Mexican rule in 1830. The bride was beautifully attired in a white satin gown, trimmed with pearls from Lower California. The maids of honor were Miss Louisa L. GEORGE and Jennie FISCHER. The groom was attended by George LOWREY and James S. ARGUELLO. Dr. FISCHER is a prominent dentist of San Jose, where he has practiced for many years and is a son of William FISCHER, a wealthy retired merchant of Santa Clara valley. Dr. FISCHER and wife will leave next week for an extended trip to Europe. On their return from abroad they will reside in Baltimore, Md.
He Was a Pioneer Farmer and Orchardist of the Valley.
King Road Was Named After Him--Was the Father of Ex-Justice King.
Andrew L. King, a pioneer of Santa Clara county, died yesterday morning, aged eighty years. He had been in failing health for over a year and his death was therefore not unexpected. The funeral will take place at 3 p. m. to-day from the residence of George W. LEE, northwest corner of Eleventh and Empire streets. Mr. King was a native of Virginia and of the old colonial stock. His grandfather was on the staff of General WASHINGTON and fought with that eminent commander throughout the revolutionary war. After having completed his education Mr. KING studied law and was admitted to the bar. After a short practice he gave up the profession as not suited to his inclinations and went into trade. After several years of merchandizing (sic) in Tennessee, he started for California, across the plains, as Captain of a large band of gold-seekers, arriving in San Francisco in 1849. A few years later he was married in San Jose and purchasing one hundred acres of land near East San Jose settled down to the life of a farmer. The KING road, which was opened in the seventies, was named after him. Financial misfortunes met him in his later years and his ranch went out of his hands a few years ago through
foreclosure proceedings. Deceased was a widower and the following children are left to mourn his loss: Ex-Justice of the Peace Joseph R. KING, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Zoe CHAPMAN, Louis and Albert KING, San Jose; Mrs. Dora CURETON, Lewiston, Idaho, and Mrs. Effie OPPENHEIMER, Sacramento.
KING--In San Jose, June 22, 1899, A. L. KING, father of ex-Justice, J. R. KING, aged 80 years and 11 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Friday), June 23d, at 3 p. m., from the residence of his brother-in-law, George W. LEE, 841 North Eleventh street. Please omit flowers.
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